Smiley Teeth SDTeeth Whitening

  • Instant results

  • Easy to maintain

  • Safe and Comfortable

Nothing you wear is more important than your smile

Smiley Teeth SD products are Natural Organic and Vegan. It is a plant and mineral based laser gel. Our products are:

  • Safe and Comfortable

  • Have Enamel Building Qualities

  • No Preservatives

  • Instant Results

  • FDA Approved

  • Easy to Maintain

  • 1 Hour Session

  • Guaranteed 4 to 14 shades brighter

Pre Care :

  • Eat before

  • Don’t brush teeth before appointment

  • Arrive on time

After Care :

  • Drinking water for the next 2 hours will decrease possible sensitivity.

  • Avoid any other food or beverages for the next 2 hours.

  • Do not Smoke or Chew tobacco for at least 2 hours.

  • Avoid any dark colored food or beverage for at least 24 hours. NO-coffee, tea, soda, cool-aid, red wine, tomato sauce, red meat, dark colored vegetables, or anything with heavy color for at least 24 hours.

  • YES- water, white wine, white chicken, pork, turkey, noodles, white sauce, white cheese, potatoes, etc. after 2 hours.

Before and After